
BACKYARD UNLOCKED, with Thelmo Cristovam, Brasil, WDR 3 Open Sounds



series invisible, with Christoph Korn, Hörspiel, SWR2



Pneumatique, Kurzstrecke, Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Hanau, Hinterhof, The Artist's Corner, Hessen Hören, Hessischer Rundfunk



KALAVRYTA, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg, Germany



Sonic Games, Climata Reports Session 1, Radio Tenthaus, Oslo, Norway

Walk With Us, Climata Reports Session 2, Radio Tenthaus, Oslo, Norway



Darknet Poetry, with Tobias Schmitt, First broadcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Klangkunst)

Sound composition over the dark side of the net!



Anemoi, First broadcast, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Studio Akustische Kunst)

Anemoi, Rebroadcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Klangkunst)

Natural and man-made objects tell of the "aeolian spirit"!



Flugspuren, First broadcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Klangkunst)

Airplane over Hanau: The noise is about the production „Flugspuren“.



Maritime concrète, First broadcast, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Studio Akustische Kunst)

Riek has investigated various types of harbor within Europe and has recorded their sound world at different times and from different perspectives.



Rheinstrom, First broadcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Klangkunst)

The Rhine and its surroundings stood and are available as a holistic composition.



Saison concrète, First broadcast, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Klangkunst) Geräusch des Monats

In his "calendar pieces" he condenses notes from all four seasons to acoustic valuables.



urban sound stories, First broadcast, ORF (Kunstradio)

Five sound artists explore eight places each, in five different cities – using the means of phonography and photography. The exploration of artificial and natural space within the city takes place within the same space of time.



Sarajewo, First broadcast, Hessischer Rundfunk (Artist Corner)

His compositions "Sarajevo" from field recordings and electronic tones evoke meditative listening landscapes. In his live-sounded body form, he undertakes a compositional reworking of soundscapes from Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina.